Having been without a computer (ordered one just before starting uni, backlog and such) for four weeks it's eventual arrival was a relief. Functioning without music or the Internet (especially since my university, Sheffield, uses the Internet a lot for course material) had been pretty hard. Well, it was a new machine, and came with vista on it. Which refused to recognise my speakers.
After fiddling around with settings, drivers and all the rest of it for about three days I got it operating. Took various downloads, installs, uninstalls and reinstalls before that happened though. Infinitely frustrating. And it still won't let me use headphones in the front port (this isn't a major problem though, because my speakers have a headphone socket.)
First things first then, get my hands on the new radiohead album. I'm a big fan (favourite albums being OK Computer and Hail to the Thief) and I like the new set up. Opted to pay £4 for my download. Slightly on the cheap side but, hey, I'm a student. I liked it on first listen, but I'm going to give it a few more runs before forming an opinion. Pretty funny what it's done to the stats on last.fm:
Top ten tracks:
1 | 15 StepRadiohead | 60,638 listeners 188,920 plays | |
2 | BodysnatchersRadiohead | 58,423 listeners 174,866 plays | |
3 | NudeRadiohead | 58,193 listeners 184,199 plays | |
4 1 | All I NeedRadiohead | 56,300 listeners 184,281 plays | |
5 1 | Weird Fishes/ArpeggiRadiohead | 55,614 listeners 173,025 plays | |
6 1 | ReckonerRadiohead | 54,612 listeners 181,097 plays | |
7 1 | Faust ArpRadiohead | 54,557 listeners 166,439 plays | |
8 | House of CardsRadiohead | 51,794 listeners 156,543 plays | |
9 | Jigsaw Falling Into PlaceRadiohead | 51,632 listeners 165,480 plays | |
10 | VideotapeRadiohead | 50,350 listeners 156,870 plays |
(last.fm if you don't have it. My profile is: http://www.last.fm/user/Sharpshooter/ I know. I was young then alright? >_>)
I'm also able to listen to my Modest Mouse, Flaming Lips and all the rest of it now. Very happy about that. I've missed it. See either profile (last.fm or on here) for other music interests of mine. Last.fm does have nice graphs though.
*Well, it wasn't exactly without music. I've got a creative zen, but I haven't been able to move music on or off it for about two years. I dropped it heavily on a pavement ya see. Still works for what's on there, but it has lots of stuff that I don't really listen to anymore, and is missing a lot of my more recent music.
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